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The idea, or rather the thought from which "the right Taste" starts, aims to promote the excellence of a rich and varied territory like Italy. We think of a quality export, of a real enhancement of the original product, of the traditions handed down by our ancestors who have accompanied each producer to the processing and realization of each typical product.

From here comes the right taste; taste is understood as "food taste", but more broadly also as non-food: taste in design, in detail, in the accuracy of details and in the typicality of the processing.


In this "philosophy of taste" we want to offer the possibility to the originality of the territory to make themselves known in the world; we want to tell its story, enhance its taste and make its singularity known.

And, to bother ancient Greece, paraphrasing the thought of the philosopher Democritus, every excellent product possesses in itself the ability to show itself to the market, it is a "business in potential" ... .. the right taste wants to explode this power!

© 2022 -  "Il Giusto Gusto" - DOMENICO SIMONELLI - c.f. SMN DNC 61C08 L452J
